Captain America.
Wonder Woman.
Yep. You guessed it. It’s the annual Dragoncon Parade over Labor Day weekend in Atlanta.
I had no clue what to expect as I’m not a Sci-Fi buff at all. I remember watching Star Trek as a kid only because we didn’t have have cable and it was the only thing on TV. I didn’t like it.
I do, however, like The Big Bang Theory. I’ve seen Sheldon, Howard and the gang dress up for Dragon Con so I figured Why Not?
Thankfully, we took Marta and found a great spot about 20 minutes before the parade began. People were so nice. “We drove 5 hours to get here,” the girls next to us told us. The group on the other side drove down from Gwinnett County.
The policeman came by on his motorcycle signalling the beginning of the parade.
What I enjoyed most was the creativity of the costumes. These people all chose to be in this parade. They chose their costume and with temperatures rising to the lower 90’s, , I’m sure they were sweating up a storm. But it’s a labor of love that they do this, not because they play band in a school and are forced to show up for a grade.
Characters were really great about coming up to the children standing near us. Parade Participants fist bumed the kids near us and posed for pictures. Everyone was happy. The couple two in front of us allowed our 12 year old and her 7 year old friend to sit in front of them.
We also loved that there were themes to the characters. The cast of Clue walked together, Then there was Gilligan, Skipper, Ginger and the rest. Game of Thrones, Star Wars and Neverland were big groups of people. My personal favorite was the periodic elements group. They chanted, “We Matter.” One guy had the sign, “Halfonium” and had half of his face and outfit in white, the other half in black.
There were only two bands – The Seed Band that shows up at Inman Park Festival and another band towards the end. A few cars were there like the Batmobile, the Speed Racer car and a time machine car. There were no politician floats – Hurray!!! The only corporate group I saw was the huge LifeBlood mobile unit urging people to donate blood – but it fell with the vampire theme of the parade.
I’m glad we went. For more information, go to www.dragoncon.org.