Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument – Washington, DC

In the previous post, we visited the US Holocaust Memorial Museum where we saw how the Jewish people in Germany and most of Europe were stripped of their rights. The next day, Thing 1 wanted to tour the Belmont-Paul National Women’s Equality Monument. I’d never heard of this small museum, but it tackles the subject of human rights. In this case, it is the struggle for women to gain equal rights in the US. 

The house is named after Alva Belmont and Alice Paul. Alva Belmont, the former Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbuilt, hosted many women’s suffrage meetings at Marble House, her cottage I toured in Newport, Rhode Island. However, I wasn’t familiar with Alice Paul. The museum details Alice Paul and the work of the National Women’s Party, which used the house as its headquarters for over 80 years.
