Read more about the article Yosemite NP – Tuolumne Meadows & Tioga Pass
Tuholomne Meadows

Yosemite NP – Tuolumne Meadows & Tioga Pass

We finally made it to Yosemite and entered on the eastern side of the park near Tuolumne (pronounced “to-all-lum-ee”) Meadows. Most visitors never tour this side of the park as the Tioga Pass is only open during the summer and early fall.

Tuolumne Meadows

Located in the High Sierra at 8,600 feet, Tuolumne Meadows feels quite different from the rest of the park. It is exactly what it says – a lush, green sub-alpine meadow with the Tuolumne River running through it.

Tuolumne Meadows with Lembert Dome in the background

Several hikes start from the Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center. We chose the easier 2-mile Soda Springs hike instead of the Lembert Dome hike.

Tuolumne River

After crossing the river, a miniature log cabin stood alone in the distance. Homesteader Jean Baptiste Lembert enclosed the Soda Springs in 1889 to protect them from grazing sheep and livestock. (more…)

Joshua Tree NP – California

We met my husband’s family at Big Bear Lake, CA last summer. Those who’ve read my posts know that I don’t like to stay in one place for a long time – especially somewhere I’d been before. Since four days hanging out at a lake didn’t excite me, I decided to take one of my daughters (Thing 2) with me to Joshua Tree National Park for a day trip.

Looking at the Joshua Tree inside the park

It was a huge undertaking but worth it in the end. We left just before sunrise. Although only a little over 70 miles from Big Bear, the drive to the western entrance takes almost two hours mainly because the two-lane road full of hair-pin curves winds its way down the San Bernardino mountains for about 25 miles. Fortunately once we reached the Lucerne Valley area, miles of desert (and flat, straight roads) stretched ahead. (more…)

Read more about the article National Center for Civil & Human Rights – Atlanta, GA
A new museum for downtown Atlanta

National Center for Civil & Human Rights – Atlanta, GA

Opened in 2014, the National Center for Civil & Human Rights is one of Atlanta’s newest museums. In response to Pepsi sponsoring Super Bowl LIII right here in Coca-Cola’s home city, the Coca-Cola Foundation gave a $1 million grant providing free admission to the museum for the entire month of February. Not just Super Bowl weekend. Not just for visitors to Atlanta. It’s for everyone for the entire month.

Visitors enter on the second floor of the museum after going through a security checkpoint. Typically, they explore the second floor civil rights exhibit, then follow upstairs to the human rights exhibit. Because larger than average crowds, museum staff told us to start either on the first or third floors. (more…)