A North & South Carolina Thankgsiving

Readers might remember that we had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving in North Carolina last year. This year, we repeated it, but with a twist. First we had my in-laws with us and we added a quick trip to Greenville, South Carolina to the itinerary.

Thanksgiving morning began with our traditional watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on TV and brunch. We jumped in the car and drove to Highlands, NC. This time, we walked the 1/4-mile path to Dry Falls. Because the large amounts of rainfall, the falls were anything but dry. Water roared fiercely down the cliff and a rainbow reflected from the water.

We arrived at the Main Street Inn in Highlands for a scrumptious Thanksgiving buffet. Just like last year, we drove over to Cashiers and visited High Hampton Inn. Then on to Greenville. (more…)