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The view from the old bridge

New River Gorge National Park – Fayetteville, WV

On our last day, sunny skies abounded. However, as we neared the New River Gorge Bridge*, patches of fog settled on the road. By the time we got to the viewpoint, there was no view.

Disappointed, we went inside the Visitor Center where we found out the film presentation wasn’t working either. We walked around the exhibits learning about the area, the coal towns that dotted the river and the importance of this bridge that was built in 1977.

Display of early coalminer hats

Thing 2 and I walked back to the viewpoint where we could see a bit through the fog. We took the path down the stairs mainly for the exercise. It turned out the further we walked down, the more the fog had lifted. By the end of the path, we had excellent views of the bridge. (more…)