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The Rock Garden – Calhoun, GA

Since it was Labor Day weekend, we were itching to get out of the city and do something different. We took a friend’s advice and went to see the Rock Garden in Calhoun.

When I think of rock gardens, I think of front-yard landscaping in front of Arizona houses – brown and ugly. This is totally different. It’s more like whimsical castles and bridges made from rocks. And it’s totally free!

Dewitt Boyd, aka “Old Dog” started the gardens, located behind the 7th Day Adventist Church, in 2007. He and other volunteers have spent years working on the different formations. The first one we came to was dedicated to one of the ministers of the church and had names of people in the rocks that contributed. As part of the building, there was a large rock wall that made a secluded outdoor living space to sit and reflect.

We walked around more of these structures, amazed at the detail work involved – arches in the windows, climbing staircases around towers, even a few mini-figures placed inside some of the rooms. But what’s even more neat is that the area is a true garden. Impatiens, hostas and ferns flank many of the rock castles. Sometimes, the turrets and walls serve as planters. A castle draped with ferns sits over the stream running through the property.

This castle built over the water serves as a planter for ferns.

It’s a relaxing place and you can walk among the buildings.  However, plenty of sitting areas dot the garden for quiet reflection, including a wooden gazebo.

The area has plenty of seating

The buildings aren’t always made from pebbles alone. Sometimes, the artists use marbles, seashells, broken glass and other items that have significance to them. One of my favorites is the replica of Notre Dame Cathedral, which uses stained glass for the windows.

The replica of Notre Dame

For more information about The Rock Garden, directions, and hours of admission, click here.

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